This is it!
It was written
Eventhough it is hard
to perceive and receive
Who Knows?
God Knows
It was Fated
You are the one
Who have to take it
Be strong
dear self
Even its like the end
it is not
Your Journey is just begin
Take it as a Challenge
Me , Myself and I
Prove it to them
You are no Longer Teacher Trainee
You Wont have Degree
But You still Have
The most Precious Things with You
Talent and Time!
2 ulasan:
-- ya, u got the talent and time hafiz.. teruskan! saya yakin hafiz pasti akan jadi seorang yang hebat dan luar biasa lebih dari seorang guru satu hari nanti!
Bi'izniLLAH, Insya-ALLAH...
Amiin, amiin, amiin..
Terima kasih wahai sahabat....
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