Isnin, 23 Ogos 2010

Anger & Awaiting Avenge

This anger & avenge..I fold it safe until now,
Waiting to explode...try me mama-boy...
Remember your mouthful talks??
Have myself involve with your so-called "great ideas"?

You freak , talks full of craps
nothing less than a piece of daydream
You create things messy and stupid...
and You dragged me together to accompany

Hell no I am not your friend dude,
For what you have done with no apologize,
Taking my money and steal my time...
Its all a busted, wasted thing ever I did..

You want name, fame, and money?
Talented on business and a great leader?
Eh, you failed to convince me with any of them...
You just a great talker...try yourself on public-speaking

Wish to see your really capable on any thing
But all I heard were just insults and humiliation
You made around a big shame of yourself
Dont ever pissed me off again...You will be sorry!

Isnin, 16 Ogos 2010

Thank Goodness that I am Not A Smoker....!

This is really crazy...I know many of my friends are heavy smokers, and they said they cant have a day without having a puff of cigarette. But surely they already knew that smoking were harmful and poisonous and yet they have to consume it. How to tell eh?..It is a form of ADDICTION and lucky for those who are not an ADDICT...

A short brief on this video - experiment was carried out to test the side product when one consume cigarettes. A total 400 of cigars were tested using water-based condenser (sort of laa..) and the water was slowly change into more sticky and dark substance. The water then got boiled to distinguish tar from water. So it was evaporated after fully boiled and all left was clogs and pure tar...geez...No wonder many people died of lung cancer..=.="

Sabtu, 14 Ogos 2010

Kehebatan Umat Muhammad...Syukur, Alhamdulillah!

Nabi Musa a.s. membaca kitab Taurat yang didapatinya mengenai kelebihan kepada suatu umat. Dalam “loh-loh” kitab “Taurat”, Nabi Musa a.s. telah dapat membaca tentang kelebihan-kelebihan yang dikurniakan oleh Allah kepada umat itu. Lalu Nabi Musa telah bertanya kepada Allah s.w.t. siapakah umat itu? Adakah ia umatku? Lantas Allah s.w.t. memberitahu Nabi Musa bahawa umat itu ialah “Umat Muhammad”.
Berkata Wahab bin Munabbih rahimullah: “Apabila Musa a.s. membaca pada loh-loh terlihat olehnya akan sifat-sifat kenabian umat Muhammad, lalu baginda berkata: “Ya Tuhanku, siapakah umat yang dibelas kasihani yang aku dapati tersebut dalam loh-loh ini?” Berfirman Allah: “Itulah umat Muhammad. Mereka redho dengan rezeki yang sedikit yang Aku berikan kepadanya. Maka Aku pun redho dengan amalan yang sedikit dari mereka. Akan AKU masukan mereka dalam syurga dengan hanya mengucapkan “Laillah haillallah” saja. Berkata Musa a.s. lagi: “Aku dapati dalam loh ini suatu umat yang akan dibangkitkan di Hari Kiamat, sedang wajah-wajah mereka bersinar cahaya laksana bulan purnama, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: “Mereka itu umat Muhammad.”Aku bangkitkan mereka itu di Hari Kiamat, sedang wajah-wajah mereka bersinar dan bercahaya disebabkan bekas-bekas dari wuduk dan sujud.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang berkain selendang di belakang masing-masing, dan bersenjatakan pedang di bahu masing-masing. Mereka itu orang-orang yang sentiasa bertawakkal dan dadanya penuh keyakinan. Mereka melaung-laungkan nama Allah di hadapan tiap-tiap rumah Tuhan untuk berjihad di atas kebenaran, sehingga akhirnya mereka pun membunuh Dajjal, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Tidak! Mereka itu umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang menyembahMu pada sehari semalam lima kali sembahyang pada lima waktu, sehingga terbukalah pintu-pintu langit untuk mereka, dan turunlah rahmat ke atas mereka, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang berpuasa sebulan ramadan untukMu, lalu Engkau mengampuni mereka terhadap segala kesalahan mereka yang sebelum itu, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang mengunjungi Baitulharam (Kaabah) untukMu. Mereka tiada keperluan lain untuk ditunaikan. Mereka hanya meratap menangisi diri mereka, serta mengangkat suara dengana takbir membesarkan Tuhan, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu umat Muhammad. Musa menambah kata: Apakah ganjaran mereka atas perbuatan itu? Jawab Tuhan: Aku akan menambah mereka maghfirah (keampunan) dan Aku akan benarkan mereka untuk memberi syafaat (jaminan) kepada sesiapa yang datang sesudah mereka.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang memohon keampunan dari dosa-dosanya. Mereka menyuap suatu suapan ke dalam mulutnya, dan belum sempat makanan itu sampai ke perutnya, melainkan dosa-dosa itu telah diampunkan Tuhan. Mereka memulakan menyuap makanan itu dengan menyebut namaMu serta mengakhirinya dengan mengucap syukur Alhamdulillah, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku. Berfirman Tuhan: “Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.”

Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat, mereka itulah orang-orang yang terdahulu dibangkitkan menuju ke Mahsyar pada Hari Kiamat, dan mereka jugalah orang-orang yang terakhir dari makhluk-makhluk yang lain, ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

Berkata Musa a.s.: Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang menyimpan kitab-kitab sucinya di dalam dadanya, mereka membacanya di mana mereka suka, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Ya Tuhanku! Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang kiranya mereka bercita-cita untuk mengerjakan suatu kebajikan, malah tiada dikerjakannya, maka akan dicatatkan baginya suatu kebajikan. Akan tetapi jika diteruskan cita-citanya itu dengan mengerjakan kebaikan itu, maka akan dicatatkan baginya sepuluh kali ganda sepertinya, sehingga menjadi tujuh ratus kali ganda, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Ya Tuhanku! Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang kiranya mereka bercita-cita untuk mengerjakan suatu kejahatan, kemudian tiada dilakukannya, tiadalah dicatatkan di atasnya dosa. Akan tetapi jika diteruskan cita-cita itu dengan mengerjakan kejahatan itu, barulah dikira atasnya suatu dosa, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Ya Tuhanku! Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat, mereka itu adalah sebaik-baik manusia. Mereka menyuruh berbuat baik dan melarang berbuat jahat, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Ya Tuhanku! Aku dapati di dalam loh-loh ini suatu umat yang dibangkitkan pada Hari Kiamat dalam tiga golongan. Segolongan akan memasuki syurga tanpa hisab. Segolongan lagi akan dihisab dengan perhisaban yang ringan saja. Dan segolongan terakhir diampunkan Tuhan segala dosanya, lalu mereka pun memasuki syurga, jadikanlah mereka itu umatku! Berfirman Tuhan: Mereka itu adalah umat Muhammad.

• Berkata Musa a.s.: Ya Tuhanku! Engkau telah anugerahkan segala kebaikan untuk Ahmad (Muhammad) dan umatnya, maka jadikanlah aku dari umatnya! Berfirman Allah Taala, sebagaimana yang tersebut di dalam al-Quran:
“Wahai Musa! Sesungguhnya Aku telah memilih engkau dari antara manusia untuk menyampaikan perutusanKu dan percakapanKu, maka terimalah apa yang Aku berikan kepadamu, dan hendaklah engkau menjadi orang-orang yang bersyukur.” (al-A’raf: 144)

Jumaat, 13 Ogos 2010

Ramadhan Midnite Madness...Layannn~

"Down" Video Cover...Enjoy

Qualities of a Good Science Teacher

Qualities of a Good Science Teacher
Science teacher is facing a new whole challenge today. He or she got a big role in shaping scientific minds of the new generation. The world today is exploring the science of the life and technology to enhance a better and developing life. Therefore, science teacher should prepare themselves to construct the new generation with critical scientific attitude.
A good science teacher is someone who is always willing to learn something new and expand their knowledge to help their students achieve success. For example, I had a teacher once who, after a few years of teaching high school, went back to school to earn her doctorate degree. She wanted to go back to school so that her students could benefit more from having her as a teacher. Science is something that will always expanding and develop. There are many research carried out and many discovery has been made by the scientist. Not to be left out, a good science teacher should play his role as scientist via education. He is willing to share his new knowledge to be applied in daily life.
A good science teacher encourages the students to take risks and always has a positive attitude. He understands that errors will be made in science and it is normal but they try many different methods of teaching that encourage students and create in them a sense of accomplishment. Science subject needs the student to think critically, using math and imagination to solve the routine of science. It is a tough subject but with the right guide from the teacher, science is indeed a lovable subject. Good teachers believe in students and set high standards to bring out the best in them. They do not give students the answers, but teach students the techniques needed to find the answer themselves.
Science teacher should also apply the constructivist method in teaching science. The theory of constructivism is beneficial in building a critical mind among the students, It promote the style of two ways communication whereas the student playing the role in learning, free to give opinion and supposed to explore the science himself, So, a good science teacher will apply the constructivism method while teaching science as it is beneficial and interesting.
Along with knowledgeable mind, a good science teacher should posses the scientific attitude during the lesson. He is a skillful one, able to handle the laboratory apparatus and he is the great one to acquire the accurate result in any experiments. He would demonstrate the skill of science to his students. He would be the one for his students to refer for any error of experiment. This teacher would try his best to create the hands-on and minds-on attitude of his students.
Excellent teachers also possess a deep knowledge of the subject they teach and are able to manipulate and make simpler the teaching material because they are a master of it. A good science teacher would always be up-to-date with the latest info of science and he always be prepared. These teachers should have a passion for the science subject and they should be able to explain complicated and confusing information in a way that makes it understandable for the students. They should be able to work with students who do not like the science subject by presenting facts and materials in ways that turns that lack of enthusiasm around.
Last but not least, a good science teacher is someone who is flexible and admirable. He got talent in science and is willing to share the world of science with his students. The students would admire him for being flexible and not too strict. A sense of humor in this teacher would build a friendly environment during science lesson. Good science teachers need to be encouraging, they need time, they need respect, they need to be lifelong learners, and most of all they need knowledge to create a good class. Without these traits a good science teacher would not exist.

WAKA WAKA This Time for Science Unit.....!

Talam Suji - Thats It!

 Ramadhan the Month of Fasting arrived and yet I miss something in my hometown…the Talam Suji my most favorable-attractive-evergreen mini snack and will always be a delicious appetizer for me…!

lets have a look…

 This is when it had just got baked , looks so tempting to me, wish I can have my little monster bite on that big cake soon…hahaha…by the way, its not hard to have a remarks on them…they got 2 layer..the top one always be dark in color usually its brown or almost chocolate color and the bottom layer is light yellow…A layer is different from another one not just in color but also the taste…cant remember alrdy which layer I love for I am not yet arriving in Kluang for semester break…but I am sure it was a really delicious kuih for me!

For almost 3 years studying in IPG Kampus Sultan Mizan..I never had a grab of this little cuisine…wonder if my mates here can buy them for me if they catch a glimpse of this kuih in the bazaar…thanks guys if u did! haha, for all peeps out there who havent try it ,
I recommended this TALAM SUJI to you!

Khamis, 12 Ogos 2010

speed o' lite

300km/j speed
fly up
many that I captured that night but this one is the most it?
>>> meet Hafiz, Azhar & Azmir as they go through their own uniquely moderate life <<<


I miss this moment,

I dont have to worry nothing,

No need to think about any deals,

I just wanted to be caress,

Everything is fun

Everything is fine,

Ma will always near,

Soothe you and hold you tight,

Lie down and enjoy the lullaby,

I miss this moment.

Jumaat, 5 Mac 2010

If You Really My Friends

If only you are my real friends.? This statement is so subjective for a person named Muhammad Hafiz Atan. You know why? Because if he makes a relationship with someone, he will give a part of his heart to those persons. I met many people as I go through life, I met peoples in a wider range in higher educational institution. I am not making relationship with someone I dont like their personality. There are egois, hypocrites, liar,backstabber all over around us. So, in case if you are picking up wrong person to be your friends, you would rather regretting it the whole life.

Rabu, 3 Mac 2010

2012 - Of an Ignorance and Fear

Last year on August, as I watched my favourite program, Buletin Utama, on TV3, I got shocked to know a movie will be up on November with the title of a year that had become fear for some native race maybe in Africa or Amazon. By the time earthquake struck in Padang, Indonesia, they broadcast a trailer of the movie- 2012.

A fear came to my mind, it seems like this film is going to be a hit for having a big influence to the nationwide as many earthquakes were reported lately. On the other hand I would like to watch how well they injects the CGI effects on this film, cause Hollywood film had been compromise with CGI's effect to made many dooms day film before.

Later on on November 12 if I am not mistaken, I went to the MBO cinema to have an experience on the film. The whole story is tempting, I felt the fear when an earthquake struck in your neighbourhood. I was not going easy when the actor spoke the script where we will all unite on this moment, Islam, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jews and every kind of religion were united now, we are the same , as one of the playscreen shouted that statement on the middle of the movie.

I thought it was such a big ignorance, the scriptwriter is not reliable, how stupid. The Mayan things were also just a moron old manuscript that was believed to be the oldest race on this Earth. I was full of laughter inside me, to get exposed with this Hollywood Stupidity.

They are dreaming of the coming Ressurection Day on their own imagination. The real Kiamat or doomsday is not as it seen in any movies. Especially the Jews and Christian peoples who were working behind this screenplay. They are actually exposing their own stupidity and how they perceive their religion in this kind of way. The crew behind this screen would just have one pride; to get people shocked and impressed with the way they make-up the movie using Computer-Generated-Images(CGI). Yeah, they would have peoples standing ovation for what they made but im my perspective it was just a piece of TRASH!

Not so long after the movie being broadcasted, earthquakes, weather crysis, land slide, tsunami, and many form of earth crysis occured. Maybe for the Mayan people who were so believing the their prophecy will get so excited to have pride for what their ancestor had predicted thousand years ago.

Astrology and the astronomers knowledge that Mayan claim to be inherited thousand years ago for me was just another crap that is useless. What on earth is happening with this kind of race.

Ahad, 28 Februari 2010

Living It as it is...

Salam... Why is it with living it as it is...? Open up your mind, open up your heart...those part have the better sight than a pair of eyes... Living is a process, and learning is the consequences of living...the longer the length of a living the bigger the capasity of learning... My life is a living of a moderate man, named Muhammad Hafiz Atan , live by the vicissitudes of fate written by the very Almighty Allah....and I just make it a living as it is going to be.... A muslim is it is supposed to be, im living it as possible as I can...because it is a pride to inherit a holy religion from prophetic pedigree... For now on...being myself is a test...just like the others...its not easy to be me, just like the songs-superman... But I set up a believe that Im living this life as a are living because you have something to give to the others, you have a job in here...and people who were born in this world are all special...because Allah knows what He is creating, Because He is the Creator...and His power is patroning the Alam and everything inside it...Imagine!